Uncover your shareholders

Dive into the intricate web of identities who shape an organisation’s journey.

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What can we do for you?

Unlock a wealth of opportunities as we unveil familiar and undiscovered investors.

Channel your targeted marketing efforts with key insights into your buyers’ locations with unmatched precision.

Gain unparalleled transparency into your client base – we reveal key details that shape a comprehensive understanding of your clientele.

Our analyses consistently achieve a coverage rate of 95% and above, ensuring you have a clear and comprehensive picture of your shareholders with every assessment.

Our services

EquityWatch can provide you with the most accurate analysis of your shareholder base in the marketplace.

Unlock the power of precision with our fund analysis service – gain unparalleled insights into your fund’s investor landscape. Maximise your influence by knowing your retail and institutional customers like never before.

Transform your strategy with our PLC shareholder analysis service – gain comprehensive insights into individual shareholders shaping your company’s ownership landscape. Empower your company with the intelligence needed to navigate today’s dynamic markets.

View our services

If you can’t track your customers, you can’t understand their buying preference

Kelly Atkinson

Managing Director, EquityWatch

About us

Over five decades of expertise in investor relations, corporate broking, and equity research.

With over five decades of expertise in investor relations, corporate broking and equity research and driven by a relentless pursuit of quality, we consistently strive for higher standards, ensuring that our services meet and exceed expectations.

At EquityWatch, we proudly embody excellence in the realm of shareholder analysis. Guided by an unwavering commitment to our client-centric approach, we place our clients at the core of every endeavour, ensuring their distinctive needs are always met.

About us

We build all our analysis in-house, meaning we never outsource to third parties, delivering high-quality, reliable analysis.

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